Beloved friends, I am still your pastor, Amara Uwaeziozi, bringing you the message of toady as we continue on this platform we are happy with you that you keep listening to us and you keep hearing us. Last week, we began to talk on the message – the topic was: The Root of The Problem – Sin.


The Root of the Problem – Sin.


We want to continue today on the second part of that message, which has to do with, Remedy for Sin.


But let’s recap. Remember that we did say that:

The Bible declares everyone a sinner. The bible declares everyone a sinner. And we went on to say that sin has threefold manifestation: by nature, by attitude and by act. You are not just a sinner because you do sinful things. You are a sinner because you inherited sin from the first people GOD created: Adam and Eve. And you proceeded to exhibit it in attitude and of course began to act in sinful ways.


But we also brought you to know the consequences of sin, that still remains a personal enemy that destroys life, and needs to be dealt with,


We concluded that portion by saying that, you cannot carry coals of fire on your bosom and not be burnt. You cannot sin and think that you will escape. We also enumerated that sin has also social consequences, not only the sinner is affected – everyone around him is affected; even a whole nation is affected by the sin of one man. It’s a social menace: a social enemy.


We did say, also, that sin is a spiritual enemy, because it eventually…it brings the person to complete separation from GOD – complete death: the spiritual death; you are  annihilated from GOD, separated from GOD – no fellowship with GOD, and you face eternal punishment. Eternal punishment!


But we did not just stop there. We want to proceed today to talk about, The Remedy for Sin.




GOD has a remedy. The Bible also prescribes a remedy. And as you listen today, you’ll find a remedy to sin; and by the end of this message The LORD would have given you enough knowledge to take decision as to deal with this enemy that is lurking near us.


Let us pray.




Heavenly FATHER, in YOUR Name we bring the Word of GOD to YOUR people. And I pray, O GOD our FATHER, that YOU will anoint YOUR servant. And I bring this word – this teaching upon YOUR people; they will hear, they will understand, they will act appropriately, to the glory of YOUR Holy Name…in the name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen!


Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from sin? You find this in Proverbs 30. Who can say, I have made my heart clean? Who can say he is pure from sin? No: not one – no individual. All are sinful. All alike are helpless. But there is a sin-bearer. GOD in his mercy released onto mankind a sin-bearer: someone to bear the sin – someone who took the sinful nature of man and release him from bondage: release him; someone who became sin in other for man to attain righteousness. And that’s what I want to introduce to you


GOD has not abandoned you in your sinful nature and your sinful life. In HIS infinite mercy and love, GOD has provided the only remedy for sin; and that only remedy is HIS only Son, JESUS CHRIST. HE is your substitute and sin-bearer. HE, The righteous Son of GOD, died instead of you the sinful man, in order to satisfy the just demands for your sin. The son of GOD offered HIMSELF a once-for-all perfect sacrifice for your sin.  His death remains the only divinely acceptable and irreversible remedy for your sin.


The Blood of JESUS CHRIST HIS Son cleanses us from all sin. No rival competes with JESUS CHRIST in sin’s remedy; for HIS is your peace, and reconciling you to yourself and to himself, and others and GOD. If we read from The Book of Isaiah 53:5-6:


But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.


Friends, that is the extent to which GOD provided a sin-bearer for mankind: a way out of sin. Again, I want to read from The Epistle of John 1, and I will read verse 7.


1 John 1:7


But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.



The Blood of JESUS CHRIST cleanses us from all sin. So, let me introduce you to your winning card over sin.


Your winning card over sin.


GOD has dealt an irreversible mortal blow on sin. But you cannot participate in the victory parade until you play your winning card over sin. And that winning card is repentance and faith. Repentance and Faith constitute two faces of this winning card. Repentance is identifying with GOD in HIS stand against sin. GOD hates sin: so must you also hate sin. GOD turns HIS back on sin. So do you need to do also in unison with GOD? You negatively abhor and separate from everything that is unrighteous and unholy and positively thirst after holiness and righteousness.


Repentance is turning away from sinning, and turning to GOD. That’s what repentance is.


Our people have bastardized it.  How can you say you have repented: you’re still doing the same thing you did, and you claim you have repented, the Blood of JESUS has cleansed you? No! no! no! no – not at all, my friends.

Repentance will make you turn away from evil: from sin – and turn to GOD, and pursue holiness and righteousness.


There is also the other side of this winning card: faith with the inward longing for holiness. You play the other face of the wining card over sin: faith in the finished work of our LORD JESUS CHRIST on the cross for your salvation. With utter dependence upon GOD’s faithfulness, reliance upon CHRIST to fulfill HIS promise: that as many as received HIM, HE gave them power to become HIS children, even to them that believe on HIS Name. You find this in John 1:12.


you put your trust in HIS unchanging and unfailing Word; you fall on your knees, and right there and then, you call upon The Savior of The World to save you from here sin.


And there is no other time to do that than now! Now! Today: The Bible tells us, today, if you hear the voice of GOD, do not harden your heart. Take action. This is one prayer GOD loves and longs to answer in your life now.


Drop before GOD your winning card of repentance and faith, and prove for yourself that sin will no longer have dominion over you. Do it; and do it now, as I pray for you. Do it; and do it now.


Let us pray.




Heavenly FATHER, YOU gave us our LORD JESUS as the sin-bearer. Faith in HIM deliver us from the consequences of sin. As many, O GOD, that are calling upon The LORD JESUS CHRIST to be their LORD and Savior at this moment in time, I pray that their lives will begin to receive transformation, by The HOLY SPIRIT; and that YOU will come into their lives and cause a transformation, a revolution, a change of their sinful nature; and grant them hunger for righteousness and holiness the remaining days of their lives…in JESUS Mighty Name we pray. Amen!


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