PLEASING GOD WELL…LESSONS FROM THE ISRAELITES – PART ONE This is your Friend and Minister, Dr. Joshua Uhiara, bringing you healing word from the Master, a program of the Master’s Vessel Ministry which lets you know that Jesus loves you as you are, but loves you so much that He will not leave you as you are. I […]
With the news media, what is considered newsworthy, what is considered good news is something that shocks, something that jolts, something that is downright bad to hear; this is what makes the headlines. But, what we are about to hear now is the real good news. Luke 2:8-20. Verse 10 10And the Angel of the […]
PRAYER: Open our eyes, O Lord, that we may see wonderful things out of Your Word, today; and bless our souls, our bodies, our circumstances by the power of Your Word, in Jesus’ name. Amen! Permit me to share with you another experience of the Children of Israel in their Wilderness Journey, the unconventional […]
Friends, we are still journeying with the Children of Israel through the wilderness. We have noted a number of object lessons, what we call types, which are fulfilled in Jesus Christ to the anti-type. Indeed, the bible is all about Jesus Christ, the hope of all the world. His crucifixion is the fulfillment of the […]
Friends, I welcome you back in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Today, I want to speak on this topic, Don’t let your Circumstance Define and Confine you. We are going to take our texts from Genesis 30:1-3, 35:16-20 and 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. PRAYER: Father, we want to thank You for another occasion, another […]